Our In Home Disability Support Services are personalised one to one support.

We provide care, independence development, assistance with household tasks and outings into the community to ensure that you receive the support you need to achieve greater independence and live a full and rich life. We also provide families with the assistance and assurance that their loved ones are well supported.


Your In-Home Support

Bayley House In Home disability support and personalised care option is ideal for those who wish to transition to a more independent adult lifestyle. This service will be a great option for many NDIS participants including those who will not qualify for Specialist Disability Accommodation.

Bayley House In Home service is available to adults with disabilities of all ages across the South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, to see if you are eligible for NDIS housing or our services, please contact us today on 03 9982 1500


Our Service

Our step by step process ensures that clients and families are involved at every step along the way from initial service inquiry, discussion and needs assessment in the family home, development of an agreed care plan, assignment of a disability support worker to the care roster, feedback and regular quality review and sign off staff service hours.

We can provide you with all the information you require to decide if this is the service for you. The service can be funded through the NDIS housing plan. The service could be requested through the annual review or in some cases flexibly using funds in your current plan. It is best to work closely with your Support Coordinator to ensure you present all the relevant information to the NDIA.

In some circumstances the service can include sleepover, more generally clients using this service may require say 20 hours support per week particularly starting their day, evening support and recreation outings etc.


Why Bayley House?

Our In Home Disability Support Service builds on and complement our existing services. The In Home Support Services provides support and respite to assist families in their caring role. Our staff, including our dedicated disability support workers, will be Bayley House recruited, trained and supervised to continue our tradition of quality care and service to people with disability in the southern region.


Contact our team

In Home Support Team

Send the team an email here
To call Anna: 0409 018 148

The friendly and skilled staff will assist you to reach your goals in a COVID-safe environment while providing fun activities including; gardening or cooking classes or a visit to the local parks and sporting grounds and more…just ask!

In-Home Service includes:

  • Personal care
  • Respite care in the home
  • Medical escort
  • Ongoing rostered care and support
  • Therapy support services
  • Companionship
  • Client Household Chores
  • Supported community activities
  • Additional care required during time of a personal or family medical issue
  • Independence skills training and development
  • Someone to hang out with
  • Meal preparation

Our staff can provide complex and supportive care including:

  • Epilepsy management
  • Diabetes management
  • Positive Behavioural support including changed behaviour management
  • Catheter management
  • Bowel management
  • Enteral management (PEG)
  • Non-invasive ventilation management e.g., CPAP, BiPAP
  • Mealtime management
  • Severe dysphagia management

Make an Enquiry


Make an Enquiry