Transitioning to the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) doesn’t need to be overwhelming or intimidating. We will help you be thoroughly prepared and get the best possible NDIS funding packages.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is how you access and pay for the care and support you want to use. Bayley House specialises in delivering NDIS funded services and can break down complexities to ensure you understand your choices and options.
The NDIS provides funding for individual supports and services deemed to be reasonable and necessary for people with a disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. The NDIS is about empowering you to choose how, when and where you receive the supports and services you need.
- The NDIS gives you choice and control over your supports
- Supports can be equipment such as wheelchairs, support to get a job, to join a group or to get help with communication
- Supports can also help families and carers like Bayley House staff to look after you
- Supports can change over the years, so the support you get now might not be needed later
- You will get a plan that is just for you and what you need and want
- Bayley House can support you in the NDIS planning meeting
- Bayley House will organise to have a Support Agreement in place to help work out what supports you need and want from us
- You can share your plan with Bayley House so we know how best to support you
- You can change providers if you are not happy with your provider or access different services from a variety of providers
- Every year you will have your plan reviewed in case you need to update it
Your free guide to navigating your next NDIS review
Before your next NDIS review, please download and read this free guide. Follow the simple steps to ensure that you and your loved ones are able to get the supports you need.
People who meet the following criteria may be able to access the NDIS:
- People with a permanent and significant disability that affects your ability to take part in everyday activities
- People who are under 65 years of age when they first access the scheme
- People with a protected Special Category Visa
To check your eligibility, go to the NDIS Access Checklist, ring 1800 800 110 or visit
You might also find the NDIS video resources helpful on the NDIS YouTube channel.
If you are eligible for the NDIS, you will receive funding on an annual basis to purchase the services, aids and equipment that you require. Your needs are assessed in a planning and assessment process. As part of this process, you may then choose to receive services
from providers of your choice.
Pre-planning is essential! It will provide you with confidence and knowledge for the NDIA planning meeting. Make the most of our expertise to help you pre-plan. Please talk to us about getting ready for the NDIS. The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that will assist you to achieve your goals and objectives, which could include:
- Regular personal care support
- Developing your capacity to get involved in your local community
- Becoming more independent
- Improving your health and wellbeing
- Finding a job and earning an income
- Based on your goals and objectives, the NDIS may fund you for supports such as transport, home modification design, mobility equipment, therapeutic supports and more
For more information about how to access NDIS funding please visit
Bayley House will support you to plan and make decisions about your life. We are committed to providing you with tailored individual support based on your needs. Part of this process involves helping you to create goals based on what is important in your life.
Across the 6 life areas, Bayley House will work with you to develop a set of short term and long-term goals using the following process:
- Goals are made with you, your NDIS plan, your family, accommodation service, day service and anyone else important to you
- We will have a meeting each year to see if your goals are on track and how we can support you to keep working towards them
- You choose who comes to the meeting each year
We will also gather personal information from you that we will safely and securely store in our electronic client management system, Supportability. This personal information helps us to know which supports you need and how you would like us to provide them to you. This personal support information and your goals will be reviewed with you and/or your representatives every year and, where necessary, we will work with you to develop new goals for the following year.
Bayley House is a registered provider under NDIS. Bayley House brings a depth of experience to supporting families in the transition to the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).
One of the goals of the NDIS is to enable choice and control for people with a disability. You can use more than one service provider at any time. This means that if you are currently receiving services from another provider, you can also access services from Bayley House.
For confidential, practical advice from our knowledgeable NDIS team, call 03 9982 1500 or email Your enquiry will be managed professionally and confidentially. The many video resources on the NDIS YouTube channel may be helpful as you make your transition.
Bayley House can help you to access the following services:
- Centrelink
- Transport Cards e.g. Myki
- Companion Cards
- Taxi Cards
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Respite Services
- Advocacy Organisations
- Case Management Services
- Disability Client Services
- Accommodation Options
- Aids and Equipment
- Cultural and Linguistic services
The prices for all of Bayley House’s services and supports in the NDIS are in line with the latest NDIS Price Guide. NDIS prices are reviewed annually to ensure that NDIS participants receive value for money and that service providers, like Bayley House, can provide services in a sustainable market.
When a new NDIS Price Guide is issued, the prices for all Bayley House supports are adjusted in line with the new guide.
The latest NDIA price guide is listed on the NDIS website
On that page you will find links to the latest price guide and support catalogue.
Bayley House will safely support you, our staff and other clients.
You have the right to:
- Say it’s ok to receive a service that suits your support needs and choices
- Refuse or leave a service at any time
- Receive information relating to services delivered by Bayley House
- Have your say in decisions about the services you receive from Bayley House
- Be treated as an individual, with respect, to live safely and enjoy activities without neglect, anger or being abused
- Have staff help you to stay well and healthy and support you to get proper medical care
- Communicate freely about your worries and make a complaint if you are not happy with a service you receive
- Be responsible for your own choices and decisions
- Have your privacy respected
- Be included in any talks or decisions about your life and activities
- Have opportunities for appropriate social contacts and friendships
- Access services and activities that are available to others in the community
- Be supported by staff members to reach your capacity for physical, social, spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth
- Have your religious and cultural beliefs acknowledged and respected
- Have your private information kept private and confidential and not given to anyone outside Bayley House without your permission (unless required by law)
Who can you call when you need advice?
An advocate is someone who speaks for you when you can’t speak for yourself.
An advocate will make sure you are being treated properly.
The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with a Disability (VALID) can help you find a suitable advocate if you need one.
VALID – Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with a Disability
130 Cremorne Street
Richmond VIC 3121
03 9416 4003
Disability Services Commissioner
The Disability Services Commissioner is an independent organisation that promotes the rights of people with disabilities. This is a free service. The Disability Services Commissioner (DSC) works with people with a disability to resolve complaints about disability service providers, and they also work with disability service providers to improve outcomes for people with a disability.
Disability Services Commissioner
1800 677 342
Office of the Public Advocate
Level 1, 204 Lygon Street
Carlton VIC 3053
1300 309 337
TTY: 1300 787 510
Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service
44 Bellarine Street
Geelong 3220
(03) 5229 2925
TTY: 1800 014 111
Southern Disability Advocacy
03 9533 5977
Interpreter Services
131 450
The following resources provide more information about the NDIS. Many of the NDIS fact sheets are also available in Easy English.
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): or call 1800 800 110
- NDIS YouTube Channel
- Disability Loop:
- NDS National Disability Services:
- Every Australian Counts:
- My Choice Matters:
- Carers Victoria: