Bayley House Foundation provides a vital source of financial support to Bayley House, contributing to the organisation’s resilience and adaptability. This would not be possible without the generous contributions of our bequestors who compassionately leave a gift in their will.
We understand family and loved ones always come first. We encourage you to speak with your loved ones about your wishes and intentions of your Will. We appreciate these discussions can be deeply personal, however they can help ensure your wishes will be respected. It is important you seek legal advice to ensure your will is valid and current.
Once you have taken care of your loved ones, there are several types of gifts you could consider when leaving a gift in your will to Bayley House.
- Residual Gift *
You can nominate a percentage (%) gift or all of your remaining residual estate. - Pecuniary Gift
You may wish to nominate a fixed dollar amount. For this type of gift, we suggest you periodically review your Will, to ensure your intended value is not eroded over time. - Specific Asset
You could include a specific asset as your gift, such as property, shares, jewellery, artwork, insurance policies or superannuation.
*Residual gifts are inclined to maintain their value over time, and are less influenced by economic changes.
For further information, please download our brochure or email [email protected] and we will mail a copy to you.