Learn more about how your donation will support people with intellectual disability.

Bayley House is passionate about supporting adults with intellectual disabilities to develop their unique capabilities and reach their goals and aspirations. We create engaging opportunities that provide people with intellectual disability with the choices they need to reach their potential. We enable people with intellectual disability to learn and grow, to build confidence and independence and to contribute to the wider community in a meaningful and impactful way.

By definition, the NDIS is designed to provide a ‘reasonable and necessary life’ for people with disability.

Your donation can make the difference between ‘reasonable and necessary’ and ‘full and enriched’. The only way for us to do this and reach our vision, is through fundraising.




Your donation will help Bayley House to:

  • Improve our current programs and innovate, through new programs, activities and opportunities for people with intellectual disability.
  • Maintain and upgrade our accommodation, facilities and equipment for people with intellectual disability.
  • Advocate for people with intellectual disability.
  • Create new connections between people with intellectual disability and those in the broader community.
  • Ensure we can exist, sustainably, into the future.

If you would like more information on specific projects and initiatives that you can support, please contact our fundraising team at fundraise@bayleyhouse.org.au

Please Donate

Our vision is for all people with intellectual disability to lead a full and enriched life.

Your gift to Bayley House makes a vital difference to our work and the lives of Bayley House clients and families.

There are several ways to donate including online donations using this website form to the right or by phone or eftpos (see below for instructions).

By Phone

You can call us on (03) 9982 1512 Monday to Friday, during business hours, to make a credit card donation. Please provide an email address so we can send your receipt.


If you would like to make a payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) our bank account details are:
Bank: NAB
Account name: Bayley House
BSB: 083004
Account: 515428110 

Please use your first and last name as a reference.

So that we can send you a receipt, please email us when you have made your EFT donation with your:
First and last name
Email address
Mailing address
Donation amount
Date of donation

Our Privacy Policy sets out how Bayley House collects, uses and protects your personal information. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. You will be sent a tax receipt by email.