Art After Hours

Welcome to Art After Hours.

These new programs will run across four weeks, dates listed in the description. Please note that your selection is for all four weeks. An invoice will be sent once your selection is accepted.

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Saturday Print Makers Club

Dates: Sat 24 August / Sat 21 September / Sat 26 October / Sat 23 November

Session Time: 10am-2pm

Instructor: Katie Starkey

Program: In this program you will have the opportunity to learn print making skills. Use a professional printing press to:

  • Learn Collagraph and Monotype Printing skills
  • Learn to use a professional printing press
  • Create a paper based art-work to exhibit at Bayside City Council and your own printed tea-towel to take home

*All materials and printing press provided in dedicated art studio.

Group Size: 1:3 ratio with either 3 or 6 group members or 1:1 ratio.


  • Group Activities Standard Saturday (Access Community, Social and Rec)
  • 1:3 ratio: 04_104_0136_6_1 T $95.07*4/3*4 weeks = $507.04.00 plus $20 for print making materials
  • 1:1 ratio: 04_104_0136_6_1 $95.07*4*4weeks= $1,521.12 plus $20 for print making art material

Saturday Gallery Club

Dates: Sat 24 August / Sat 21 September / Sat 26 October / Sat 23 November

Session Time: 10am-2pm

Instructors: Emma Scally, Caity Girle

Program: An opportunity for art lovers to get out and about in Melbourne to enjoy visiting an exhibition, have a coffee and take part in a drawing activity in response to the exhibition.

Group Size:

1:3 ratio with either 3 or 6 group members or 1:1 ratio.


  • Group Activities Standard Saturday (Access Community, Social and Rec)
  • 1:3 ratio: 04_104_0136_6_1 T $95.07*4/3*4 weeks = $507.04.00 plus $20 for print making materials
  • 1:1 ratio: 04_104_0136_6_1 $95.07*4*4weeks= $1,521.12 plus $20 for print making art materials

Saturday Photography Club

Dates: Sat 7 September / Sat 19 October / Sat 16 November / Sat 14 December

Session Time: 10am – 1pm

Instructors:  Zoe Degraves, Zoe Robinson

Over four weeks you will:

  • Learn to handle and utilise SLR camera
  • Workshop image ideas
  • Utilise an object brought in by each participant for still life photography
  • Explore composition, shadow, contrast, colour/black and white and scale
  • Create works that incorporate finished photographs and multi-media fine arts (collage and painting)
  • Learn basics of editing with Photoshop and utilisation of iPad and Apple technology and apps
  • A final print will be provided to each artist with the option to exhibit this in the Bayley Arts end of year Gala Art Show

Group Size:

1:3 ratio with either 3 or 6 group members.

Please note: We will need a minimum of three people to run the program.


  • Group Activities Standard Saturday (Access Community, Social and Rec)
  • 04_104_0136_6_1 T $93.50/ 4 weeks = $374.00 plus $20 to cover printing and resource

Art After Hours

Name of Client
I would like to attend
Name of person completing the form