Bayley House is located in Bayside Melbourne, specialising in enabling individuals with an intellectual disability to live a full, rich and rewarding life.

We create engaging opportunities that provide you with the choices you need to reach your potential. We enable you to learn and grow, to build confidence and independence and to contribute to the wider community in a meaningful and impactful way. We currently support over 250 people through the delivery of Day Programs, Transport, Support Coordination, Supported Accommodation, Short Term Accommodation and more. As a for-purpose organisation with experience spanning over seventy years, we are passionate about supporting adults with intellectual disability to develop their unique capabilities and reach their goals and aspirations.

single-img For over 40 years, Joy has led a rich and full life with the support of Bayley House.

Our Promise To You

Exceptional support for people with intellectual disability

Our Vision

For all people with Intellectual Disability to lead a full and enriched life

Our Purpose

We provide exceptional services that actively support people living with a disability to realise and reach their goals and dreams.

We encourage and nurture connections and engagement with friends, family and the community.

We respect and acknowledge everyone as individuals with their own aspirations and needs.

Our Values

Core Values at Bayley House. Everything that we do is driven by four key principles that we value.


We encourage and nurture inclusive and meaningful connections with peers, with supports and with the community.


We actively pursue opportunities that enable people to achieve their individual goals and aspirations, as shaped by their choice and control.


We value every individual by encouraging their unique abilities.


We are passionate about providing exceptional services that support people to learn, laugh, belong and grow.